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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Internet is not a big truck

If you had told me 6 years ago that I would find anything techie even remotely funny or interesting, I would have told you that you'd lost your mind. If you had told me that I would count a comedy talkshow host as one of my favorite journalists (yes, as in people who actually do open and honest reporting as opposed to spin and whir information for easy consumption), I would say, go fly a kite. But now, being married to a self-confessed tech-geek (who on the one hand, is out to save the world one social software at the a time, while on the other, in reponse to my fritzy iPod, told me to just "knock it on the table"...), words like feed, boot and syndicate no longer just mean to nourish, an article of footware or a euphemism for the Mob anymore.

Which is why when Jude sent me this video the other day- I had such a jolly good time watching it :) It helps of course that I really like Jon Stewart (like I said- good journalism man... btw, when I grow up, I want to be just like Christiane Amanpour), and the premise of this whole net neutrality debate is just so ludicrous, but yet so real that you can't help but laugh out loud (albeit a tad nervously though...). And I love how they play up the role of John Hodgman as the guy in the Mac vs. PC ads- especially when Jon Stewart goads him into resignedly saying, "Yes, I'm a PC.". Watch carefully, they can barely contain themselves! It's too precious... :)


1 comment:

Nick said...

Jon Stewart is my favourite talkshow! Stephen Colbert is brilliant as well!