Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, December 29, 2006


We haven't been blogging much since we've been home not because we haven't had the time- quite the contrary actually; this time round- having learnt it the hard, hectic way last year- we've deliberately taken things really slow, not packing appointments and meeting people back to back, running to and fro our parents' places and basically trying to juggle too much in too little time. Instead, we've been sleeping in (like 11 in the morning in...), spending more time with family, dinners at home, and actually just enjoying each others' company without the accompanying stress of school and chores. Basically, we've been sorta having a real holiday :)

The constant downpour has been most inconvenient and a literal damper on things actually, but it's also made the weather a lot cooler than it would have been. Thank goodness coz I don't think we would have been able to bear both the humidity and heat plus the crazy crowds this time of year at home. As our Flickr pictures attest, we've been doing an inordinate amount of eating (don't even ask how many photos we've added to our Food Pornography set... ok fine, if you must know, 38 food pics in the last 14 days.) We also finally relented and made a small, teeny, little purchase- see here. I think Jude's in a better position to say more about it's snazzy functions and super-duper Leica lens. Me, I just love how it makes all our photos so bright and pretty :)

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