Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, June 01, 2007

(Yet another) Video of the week: Modest Mouse - Missed the Boat

What's there not to like about this video? It's one of the better tracks off Modest Mouse's latest album. It has a cardboard box robot, and a "Frankenstein-esque" narrative of appearances aren't what they seem, love found and evil overcome.

Coming back to the cardboard box robot - I wonder if anyone has done an analysis of the cardboard box robot as an iconic aesthetic form? Think about it - the gestalt of a stack of cardboard boxes piled on top of each other evoking images of the ideal scientific fulfillment - a human-like machine. It's a robot that all of us can build without having any scientific know-how whatsoever. I could go on, but I still hold that my favourite robot form to be the cardboard box robot :)

1. Parallax BOE-Bot and a box of wheels and gears, 2. Robot costume, 3. Robot costume - side, 4. Robot costume - Kat having fun, 5. Robot costume - back, 6. Robot costume - grippers

1 comment:

serene said...

The robot in the video has a name! He's Walter :) And Walter has a website too, although it's down for the moment:

I think Walter's cool... :)