Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Counting down two weeks

Dear world,
Let it be known that Sophie has some very definite ideas about how her birthday should be like:
Me: Sophie, what would you like for your birthday?
Sophie: Helmet.
Me: A helmet? Just a helmet?
Sophie: Ya, purple helmet.
Me: Alright, a helmet. Anything else?
Sophie: Helmet and the bicycle.
Me: Oh, you want a bicycle too?
Sophie: Yes, bicycle too. And scooter?
Me: No, you can't have both.
Sophie: Just the bicycle. And party, Mama?
Me: Yes, we'll have a party for Sophie.
Sophie: Sophie blow the candles all by self. Yay!!!! [blows imaginary candles] Mama sing. Sing "Happy birthday to Sophie."

I think we're going to be having this conversation everyday until August 8...


Dooks said...

you should be glad is has not said (and hopefully will not say)
; "Why not both mama? Scooter AND bicycle??"

Felicia Koh said...

can i come?